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IExtractorConfigPrepareOptions interface

Options for ExtractorConfig.prepare().


export interface IExtractorConfigPrepareOptions 


configObjectIConfigFileA configuration object as returned by ExtractorConfig.loadFile().
configObjectFullPathstring | undefinedThe absolute path of the file that the configObject object was loaded from. This is used for error messages and when probing for tsconfig.json.
ignoreMissingEntryPoint?boolean(Optional) When preparing the configuration object, folder and file paths referenced in the configuration are checked for existence, and an error is reported if they are not found. This option can be used to disable this check for the main entry point module. This may be useful when preparing a configuration file for an un-built project.
packageJson?INodePackageJson | undefined(Optional) The parsed package.json file for the working package, or undefined if API Extractor was invoked without a package.json file.
packageJsonFullPathstring | undefinedThe absolute path of the file that the packageJson object was loaded from, or undefined if API Extractor was invoked without a package.json file.
projectFolderLookupToken?string(Optional) The default value for the projectFolder setting is the <lookup> token, which uses a heuristic to guess an appropriate project folder. Use projectFolderLookupValue to manually specify the <lookup> token value instead.
tsdocConfigFile?TSDocConfigFile(Optional) Allow customization of the tsdoc.json config file. If omitted, this file will be loaded from its default location. If the file does not exist, then the standard definitions will be used from @microsoft/api-extractor/extends/tsdoc-base.json.