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ITelemetryData interface

This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.


export interface ITelemetryData 


durationInSecondsreadonlynumber(BETA) Duration in seconds
extraData?readonly{ [key: string]: string | number | boolean; }(BETA) (Optional)
machineInfo?readonlyITelemetryMachineInfo(BETA) (Optional) Detailed information about the host machine.
namereadonlystring(BETA) Command name
operationResults?readonlyRecord<string, ITelemetryOperationResult>(BETA) (Optional) Only applicable to phased commands. Provides detailed results by operation. Keys are operation names, values contain result, timing information, and dependencies.
platform?readonlystring(BETA) (Optional) The platform the command was executed on, based on the Node.js process.platform() API
resultreadonly'Succeeded' | 'Failed'(BETA) The result of the command
rushVersion?readonlystring(BETA) (Optional) The Rush version
timestampMs?readonlynumber(BETA) (Optional) The millisecond-resolution timestamp of the telemetry logging