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Home > @rushstack/node-core-library > IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions

IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions interface

The options for FileSystem.copyFilesAsync()


export interface IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions 


alreadyExistsBehavior?AlreadyExistsBehavior(Optional) Specifies what to do if a destination path already exists.
dereferenceSymlinks?boolean(Optional) If true, then when copying symlinks, copy the target object instead of copying the link.
destinationPathstringThe path that the files will be copied to. The path may be absolute or relative.
filter?FileSystemCopyFilesAsyncFilter | FileSystemCopyFilesFilter(Optional) A callback that will be invoked for each path that is copied. The callback can return false to cause the object to be excluded from the operation.
preserveTimestamps?boolean(Optional) If true, then the target object will be assigned "last modification" and "last access" timestamps that are the same as the source. Otherwise, the OS default timestamps are assigned.
sourcePathstringThe starting path of the file or folder to be copied. The path may be absolute or relative.