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Import.lazy() method

Provides a way to improve process startup times by lazy-loading imported modules.


static lazy(moduleName: string, require: (id: string) => unknown): any;


require(id: string) => unknown




This is a more structured wrapper for the import-lazy package. It enables you to replace an import like this:

import * as example from 'example'; // <-- 100ms load time

if (condition) {

...with a pattern like this:

const example: typeof import('example') = Import.lazy('example', require);

if (condition) {
example.doSomething(); // <-- 100ms load time occurs here, only if needed

The implementation relies on JavaScript's Proxy feature to intercept access to object members. Thus it will only work correctly with certain types of module exports. If a particular export isn't well behaved, you may need to find (or introduce) some other module in your dependency graph to apply the optimization to.

Usage guidelines:

  • Always specify types using typeof as shown above.

  • Never apply lazy-loading in a way that would convert the module's type to any. Losing type safety seriously impacts the maintainability of the code base.

  • In cases where the non-runtime types are needed, import them separately using the Types suffix:

const example: typeof import('example') = Import.lazy('example', require);
import type * as exampleTypes from 'example';
  • If the imported module confusingly has the same name as its export, then use the Module suffix:
const exampleModule: typeof import('../../logic/Example') = Import.lazy(
'../../logic/Example', require);
import type * as exampleTypes from '../../logic/Example';
  • If the exports cause a lot of awkwardness (e.g. too many expressions need to have exampleModule. inserted into them), or if some exports cannot be proxied (e.g. Import.lazy('example', require) returns a function signature), then do not lazy-load that module. Instead, apply lazy-loading to some other module which is better behaved.

  • It's recommended to sort imports in a standard ordering:

// 1. external imports
import * as path from 'path';
import { Import, JsonFile, JsonObject } from '@rushstack/node-core-library';

// 2. local imports
import { LocalFile } from './path/LocalFile';

// 3. lazy-imports (which are technically variables, not imports)
const semver: typeof import('semver') = Import.lazy('semver', require);